“Whoever sends a single ṣalāh upon me, Allāh will send salutations and blessings upon him ten times…”
Tag: hadeeth
An authentic Hadith regarding pride and arrogance
Whoever has an atom’s weight of arrogance in his heart, will not enter Paradise… Arrogance is to reject the truth and belittle people.
An authentic hadith regarding good health and free time
There are two blessings which many people waste: good health and free time…
Explanation of the 40 Hadeeth of Imaam An-Nawawi [44 Lessons]
mp3 audio series explaining the meanings and benefits from Al-Arba’oon An-Nawawiyah (The 40 Hadeeth of An-Nawawi)
Umdat al-Ahkaam: The Book of Fasting [11 lessons]
Prepare for Ramadhan by studying Ahaadeeth regarding Siyaam from Umdat Al-Ahkaam
Milestones in the path of seeking knowledge [11 Lessons]
A series of lessons in explaining the virtues, manners and etiquettes of seeking of knowledge, based on the book: Ma’aalim fee Tareeq Taalib Al-ilm, by Shaykh AbdulAzeez As-Sadhaan.
Importance of the Sunnah
A lecture highlighting the importance of implementing the Sunnah of the Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam)
Allaah loves for you three matters and hates for you three matters
Allah is pleased with you about three things and He is displeased with you about three things. He is pleased that you worship Him, not associating anything with Him…
The Life of Imaam Muslim Ibn al-Hajjaaj
A detailed biography of Imaam Muslim, the great Muhaddith and the compiler of Saheeh Muslim
Hajj on behalf of the Living
One cannot perform Hajj on behalf of a living person except in two cases…
Salafee Mashayikh and Their Books
O Shaykh, can you name for us some of the books that are upon the methodology of the Salaf, that are necessary for the young Salafee to acquire and add to his book collection?