Everything has a shine and a polish; the polishing of the heart is in the dhikr of Allāh…
Category: Soul Purification
Workbook: Qaidah fi as-sabr (A principle regarding patience)
20 points to help a person develop patience when wronged by others, authored by Ibn Taymiyyah, set out in a workbook format for students.
The blessed effect of sincerity
He never authored a book until he first pray 2 Raka’ah…
Lecture Series: The journey of certainty
A series of 7 lectures revolving around the journey of every person to the grave and the Hereafter
Four levels of Haram and sins
In the Qur’an, Allah mentions the 4 levels of sins in a single Ayah.
He was truthful to Allah, so Allah was truthful to him
I only followed you so I am shot at here – he pointed towards his throat – with an arrow, I die and then enter into Paradise…
Beauty and ugliness is a reflection of the heart
When piety and righteousness increase, beauty becomes manifest; when sins increase, ugliness become more manifest.
Do not belittle a person you see sinning
If you see a person sinning, how should you respond?
The heart, in its journey towards Allah, is like a bird.
The relationship between Love, Hope and Fear in the journey towards Allaah and His Paradise
Verily the grave is the first station of the Aakhirah
Uthmaan would stand near a grave and weep until his beard became wet…
Advice to practicing youth who devote themselves to the internet
And if they lower themselves to the level of resembling animals – by fulfilling their whims and desires – them they have lost the Dunya and Aakhirah…
Dhikr: The Remembrance of Allāh
Virtues, etiquettes and benefits Dhikr as well as some common mistakes and Bid’ah
Characteristics of the people of Taqwa – 2
“Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the people of Taqwa…”
Characteristics of the People of Taqwa – 1
Descriptions and characteristics of the people of Taqwa deduced from Aayaat in the Qur’an
A Believer is Amazing
There is a way for the believer to be amazing, in constant optimism wherein your situation is always good