There is a lot more to be written regarding his Da’wah efforts, his character, his sacrifices, his unique relationship with his students throughout the world…
Category: Topic
11 Introductory Points regarding the study of Farāid (inheritance)
An insightful introduction to the study of Faraid – the laws of inheritance.
Beneficial articles regarding Tawassul: Article 02
Article 02 covers the linguistic and Shar’i definition of Tawassul, as well as how the companions understood it.
Beneficial articles regarding Tawassul: Article 01
An introduction to this series of articles which outlines its contents and objectives.
My Ramadhan Activity Booklet
A fun workbook containing 30 activities, 1 activity each day for Ramadhan. Suitable for 7- 11 year olds (key stage 2, years 3 – 6). Please note that this resource is not available as a hard copy, it has been designed to be easily downloaded and printed.
Essential questions and answers regarding Forex and currency exchange
25 important questions regarding FOREX and currency exchange, along with a glossary of terms
He was truthful to Allah, so Allah was truthful to him
I only followed you so I am shot at here – he pointed towards his throat – with an arrow, I die and then enter into Paradise…
Opening ceremonies for a new masjid
What is the ruling of inviting people for the opening of a Masjid, preparing food or holding opening ceremonies?
Proofs for following the Salafi Manhaj (methodology)
Evidences from the Qur’an, Sunnah and narrations regarding the obligation of the Salafi methodology.
The reality of Halloween
An outline of the origins of Halloween, its traditions and the ruling of partaking in its festivities.
An authentic Hadith regarding the wealth of the son and father
Verily, you and your wealth are for your father.
An introduction to Tawhid
An introduction to the meanings and proofs of Tawhid
Workbook: Arba’ qawā’id tadūr al-ahkām ‘alayhā
Four important principles clarifying how we should interact with the evidences and rulings of the Sharī’ah.
Beauty and ugliness is a reflection of the heart
When piety and righteousness increase, beauty becomes manifest; when sins increase, ugliness become more manifest.
Praying Salah with the shoulders uncovered
Reference: Majmū’ Fatāwa wa Aaqālāt ash-Shaykh Ibn Bāz Vol 29 Page 217. Question: I would like to inform your eminence that there are many brothers – may Allāh guide them – who pray ṣalāh whilst wearing a single garment below the stomach. As for the garment which is worn on the upper body, they place […]