They are those who, if We give them authority in the land, establish salah, give zakah, enjoin goodness and forbid evil…
Category: Topic
Umdat al-Ahkaam: The Book of Fasting [11 lessons]
Prepare for Ramadhan by studying Ahaadeeth regarding Siyaam from Umdat Al-Ahkaam
Milestones in the path of seeking knowledge [11 Lessons]
A series of lessons in explaining the virtues, manners and etiquettes of seeking of knowledge, based on the book: Ma’aalim fee Tareeq Taalib Al-ilm, by Shaykh AbdulAzeez As-Sadhaan.
Do not belittle a person you see sinning
If you see a person sinning, how should you respond?
Zuhd: The journey through this Dunya
Be from the children of the Aakhirah, and do not be from the children of the Dunya
Luqman the Wise: How to admonish your child
Lessons from the admonishments of Luqman the Wise towards his son, and how we should admonish our children
Invest in the Aakhirah with these seven actions
Anas Ibn Maalik narrates that the Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “Seven actions for which the reward of a deceased person will continue whilst he is in his grave…”
Save them before they burn…
A heartfelt call to the rulers, scholars, parents and guardians to awaken to the dangers that atheism and Kufr pose to our youth and children
The heart, in its journey towards Allah, is like a bird.
The relationship between Love, Hope and Fear in the journey towards Allaah and His Paradise
Readings from Rifqan Ahl As-Sunnah [13 lessons]
A series of lessons in reading from the monumental advice of Al-Allaamah AbdulMuhsin Al-Abbaad, entitled: Rifqan Ahl As-Sunnah bi Ahl is-Sunnah.
Umdat Al-Ahkaam: The Book of Purification [21 lessons]
A series of twenty-one lessons explaining the Chapter of Purification from Umdat Al-Ahkaam. This is a collection of Hadeeth from Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree & Muslim, but specific to Fiqh of Tahaarah.
Contemplations Regarding Al-Mawlid An-Nabawi
13 concise contemplation regarding Al-Mawlid An-Nabawi
Doubt: The Hadeeth in which Shaytaan screamed during the Mawlid
The first being to become disturbed by the Mawlid was Iblees, he screamed…
The love of the Prophet is not in celebrating the Mawlid
Khutbah regarding loving Allah and His Messenger, how to actualise this love, and “Eid Milaad An-Nabi”
Come, let us increase our Imaan for an hour
An inspiring Khutbah to remind us of the blessing of Imaan, an encouragement to protect it, the means to increase our Imaan and causes to be cautions of which decrease it.