A concise yet powerful advice written by one of the Imaams of Da’wah which is more pertinent today due to the public differing of students of knowledge
Category: Manhaj
Aashoorah: A day of fasting not a day of mourning
Khutbah mentioning the virtues of Ashoorah and the love of Aal Al-Bayt
Explanation of Aqeedah Ar-Raaziyayn [15 Lessons]
A series of lessons explaining the treatise known as Aqeedah Ar-Raaziyayn, consisting of the Aqeedah which the Salaf agreed upon.
Al Israa wal Mi’raaj and the innovation of 27th Rajab
A khutbah regarding the story of Al-Israa Wal Mi’raaj (the night journey to Jerusalem and ascension to the heavens) and the innovations associated with celebrating it on the 27th of Rajab.
Readings from Rifqan Ahl As-Sunnah [13 lessons]
A series of lessons in reading from the monumental advice of Al-Allaamah AbdulMuhsin Al-Abbaad, entitled: Rifqan Ahl As-Sunnah bi Ahl is-Sunnah.
Contemplations Regarding Al-Mawlid An-Nabawi
13 concise contemplation regarding Al-Mawlid An-Nabawi
Doubt: The Hadeeth in which Shaytaan screamed during the Mawlid
The first being to become disturbed by the Mawlid was Iblees, he screamed…
The love of the Prophet is not in celebrating the Mawlid
Khutbah regarding loving Allah and His Messenger, how to actualise this love, and “Eid Milaad An-Nabi”
40 Hadith Destructive to the Ambitions of the Rafidhah
The E-Book has been divided into various chapters, each chapter containing Ahaadeeth which negate the beliefs of the Rawaafidh.
Interacting with an Imaam who is an innovator
A person should not take a stance which will allow the people of innovation to punish and subdue Ahl As-Sunnah, to exile them from the Masjid and restrict their [Da’wah] activities.
Principles regarding Sunnah, Bid’ah and Mid-Sha’ban
An important sermon clarifying principles regarding following the Sunnah, the dangers of innovations, and the Bid’ah of celebrating 15th Sha’ban.
A concise clarification regarding Shab-e-rat (mid-Sha’ban)
A concise clarification regarding four issues linked to the 15th Sha’ban: its virtue, night prayers, fasting and celebrating it.
Da’wah in the Masaajid of those who oppose Salafiyyah
Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzaan is questioned regarding the permissibility of a student of knowledge calling to Allaah in the Masaajid of people who oppose Salafiyyah.
A Clarification of an Important Principle Regarding Tabdee’
An important clarification regarding an oft-used principle: ‘Whoever does not make Tabdee’ of an innovator, then he himself is an innovator.’ Shaykh Suhaymee presents conditions for this principle to be applied.
An advice to the people of Hadeeth regarding the Mawlid
I know with absolute certainty that Ahl Al-Hadeeth are the people farthest away from innovations and acts of shirk, however by congregating on this night and speaking about the birth of the Messenger in these days…