An excellent study text for a beginner student, topics include: the basics of Aqīdah (belief), rulings of Wudū, Ṣalāh and Janāzah; Muslim manners and morals; and different types of sins.
Category: Fiqh
Women praying in congregation amongst themselves
If women are together without the presence of men, they are permitted to pray in congregation with one of them leading the others as an Imām.
Is mud impure?
There is a doubt amongst many Muslims, that they consider mud to be impure. Due to this doubt, they may even refuse to pray Salah…
Essential questions and answers regarding Zakat al-Fitr
12 essential questions which summarise the rulings of Zakat al-Fitr.
Congregational Dua in the graveyard
A person upon the Sunnah should suffice with standing near the grave and supplicating to remain firm and seeking forgiveness – and this should be done individually.
Praying the Janazah prayer in the graveyard
An article which clarifies the ruling of praying the funeral prayer in the Masjid, Musalla or graveyard.
Essential questions and answers regarding Udhiyyah (Qurbani)
22 essential questions pertaining to Udhiyyah (Qurbani); summarised from the fataawa of contemporary scholars such as Ibn Baz and Ibn ‘Uthaymin.
Workbook: Manzūmat al-Qawā’id al-Fiqhiyyah
Principles – or maxims – pertaining to Fiqh; each one dictates many individual issues; translated and presented in a workbook format for students to utilise as a study resource.
Fiqh of fasting & zakat al-fitr
A leaflet which summarises the most important rulings of fasting and zakat al-fitr.
How much was the Prophetic dowry in today’s economy?
Extensive research on the subject of the Mahr (dowry) including rulings, wisdoms and importantly a the value of the Prophet’s dowry in today’s economy
The Islamic view on Insurance – Types, Rulings & Models
E-book which covers permissible and impermissible forms of insurance, warranties and guarantees.
Essential questions and answers regarding the eclipse
8 essential questions which clarify how a Muslim should react during an eclipse and which actions are legislated.
A man commits suicide in Masjid Al-Haraam, Makkah
This article outlines various rulings related to suicide, including: Is suicide Kufr? What is the final abode of this person? Can we pray his Janaazah? How should a community react to a suicide?
Give just £1 in the last ten days of Ramadhan…
I received two messages via WhatsApp suggesting people to perform some simple actions and statements in the last ten nights of Ramadhan. I felt that this is actually counter-productive to striving hard in these days….
Essential questions and answers regarding I’tikaaf
Essential questions and answer on I’tkaaf, answered by Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan