They send tickets for Hajj to their parents who perform Hajj, while some of them know that this money has been gathered from selling drugs. Is this Hajj acceptable or not?
Category: Hajj & Umrah
Unable to spend the night in Muzdalifah
Whoever does not spend the night in Muzdalifah because he was unable to do so for whatever reason – such as having got lost or other than that – is he required to atone [for this]?
Covering the head whilst in the state of Ihraam
Am I required to make an expiation? And if it is so – and I do not have enough money for it – then what should I do, may Allaah reward you with good?
Verbally pronouncing the intention for the Hajj
Is the intention for undertaking the rites [of the hajj or the ‘umrah] to be verbally pronounced in answering the call to pilgrimage?
Does Hajj Expiate the Major Sins
It is well known that righteous actions are expiations for minor sins, the major sins however, are not expiated except with repentance.
Performing Hajj while owing money to a non-Muslim
Is it obligatory upon them to pay these debts before making hajj? Do they have to get permission from the non-Muslim [lenders] before performing this duty [i.e. hajj]?
What are the Sacred Months
What are the sacred months and why were they given this name? Is the sacredness for a specific place or is it for a specific thing?
Wife performing ‘Umrah with her Father-in-law
Is it permissible for my father to be a mahram for my wife to perform the ‘umrah whilst I am in Riyadh?
Hajj, ‘Umrah and Swine Flu
If a disease spreads in a country, one should not travel from that country so as not to spread that disease, nor should a person travel to the country that has that disease…
Origin of the Black Stone
And it has [also] been narrated that Ibraaheem (‘alayhis-salaam) brought the Stone from the mountain of Abu Qubays, however, the first [narration] is stronger.
Fasting in the first 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah
Should he fast during these days or not? And is it a condition that you have to fast all of the days or can you fast some of the days (for the one fasting on a voluntary basis)?