When he found them contradicting his way, he began to [falsely] interpret and change them from their [correct] meaning, just as is the way of the misguided sects.
Category: Salih al-Fawzan
Refuting the one who claims Angels have descended in Syria
A caller has proclaimed in one of his khutbahs that Angels descended in Syria, and that there are video clips of the Angels there; So, eminent Shaykh, what is your comment?
Some youths begin by reading the profiles of misguided groups
Because some youths begin by reading the profiles of misguided groups, and perhaps, they may fall into many errors. We hope you can direct us concerning this.
Burma: A Reflection of the Muslim World
We would like some words of advice from you to the Muslims regarding the current massacre and ethnic cleansing of our Muslim brothers by the Buddhists of Burma
Bathing in water which has been recited upon
I recite the legislated ruqyah (invocation) upon water, and then drink from it, and also bathe with it. So, is there anything wrong in [using this water for] bathing?
The legislated interpretation of the night time
Eminent Shaykh, from which [time] is the middle of the night calculated, is it from sunset (maghrib) or after the ‘ishaa prayer?
Sincere advice to a father who does not pray
And also, his father does not pray, and when he advises him, he says: I know more than you. So what do you advise he does?
Performing I’tikaaf at any time
Is [engaging in] i’tikaaf in other than Ramadhaan permissible? And what is its [legislated] duration?
Extending greetings on the occasion of Ramadhan
Upon the start of the month of Ramadhaan, people exchange greetings of the beginning of this month – just as the greeting for the ‘Eed; Is this established from the Salaf?
Rules Concerning Boycotting (Hajr)
What are the rules of boycotting & disputation between a Muslim & his fellow brother when they do not differ in the [main] religious issues, rather, in some subsidiary branches?
The Major Scholars do not speak about affairs unless when appropriate
Sometimes we hear some students of knowledge criticising the scholars, saying that they are silent when certain events, tragedies and catastrophes occur.
Differing Does Not Necessitate Splitting
Does differing on issues of methodology, such as…the use of television for da’wah purposes necessitate division and differing amongst each other?
They don’t want me to be Salafi!
She said if you don’t like it then I can leave the house. Consequently, I am forced to wear non-Muslim clothes. So, what is upon me in this situation?
So and so is not from the Salafees
In recent times the following statement has become widely used, ‘so and so is not a Salafee’ or ‘he is not from The Salafees.’ Are these types of statements considered as tabdee’?
Monopolizing Salafiyyah
A group from amongst the students and youth who have formed a faction, monopolized salafiyyah, claimed that their brothers are innovators & fanatically adhere to their opinions.