If only our youth fully realised, that it is not possible for us to gain absolute victory except through implementing Islām, not merely the Islām which is stated as your “hobby” on your ID card
Category: Muhammad ibn Salih al-‘Uthaymin
Combining and shortening Salah
When are we permitted to combine and shorten Salah (prayers)?
Workbook: Tajrīd-al-Qawāid-min-al-Qawāid-al-Muthla
21 Important principles regarding Tawḥīd al-Asmā was-Ṣifāt, extracted from the book “al-Qawā’id al-Muthla” (The Lofty Principles) by Shaykh Ibn al-‘Uthaymīn.
Saying dhikr aloud after salah
An article outlining the view of the scholars and their evidences to say Dhikr aloud after Salah.
Using observatories and telescopes for the new moon
What is the Islamic way by which the beginning of the month is determined? Is it permitted to rely upon calculations of astronomical observatories to know when the month begins and ends?
Advice to practicing youth who devote themselves to the internet
And if they lower themselves to the level of resembling animals – by fulfilling their whims and desires – them they have lost the Dunya and Aakhirah…
Combining the Prayer due to Rain – 4
What was noticed during Ramadhaan this year is the descending of some rain.Therefore, should the people combine Maghrib with ‘Ishaa? And if they do combine, should they pray taraaweeh ( the night prayer) immediately after that or what should they do?
Combining the Prayer due to Rain – 3
Question: Is it permissible to combine the prayers during a rainy night, whereas, it rains for some time and then it stops. Sometime the rain is a lot to the extent that it wets one’s clothes and sometimes it drizzles? (It is permissible to combine) even if it was not raining during the actual time that […]
Combining the Prayer due to Rain – 2
A series of articles regarding combining the Prayers due to rain or severe weather conditions
Combining the Prayer due to Rain – 1
A series of articles regarding combining the Prayers due to rain or severe weather conditions
What is meant by the term ‘manhaj’?
A question to Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen regarding the meaning of a much used term nowadays: ‘Manhaj’
Feeling a Weakness in Imaan
For this reason, you will see a common Muslim is better in his Aqeedah and sincerity than many among the students of knowledge
How does an ill person pray?
Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen lists the various situations an ill person may face and how he should adapt his Prayer
Advice regarding dealing with differences about individuals
For this reason I forbid the youth that the basis of their disputes and arguments be regarding a specific personality, no matter who he is.
Tolerance & Patience in matters of Differences of Opinion
Your opinion does not become proof against one who differs with you, because if we were to accept this, then we would also accept the opposite.