What is the ruling of inviting people for the opening of a Masjid, preparing food or holding opening ceremonies?
Category: Al-Lajnah ad-Daaima (Permanent Committee for Research & Fatawa)
Is a woman’s voice ‘awrah?
A clarification of the misconception amongst may men, that a woman’s voice is ‘awrah…
Fasting and praying in Scandinavian countries
My sister and her husband currently live in Germany, she recently wrote to me asking me whether it is an obligation upon her and the Muslims there to fast the month of Ramadhan…
Is it Permitted to Distribute Some of the Udhhiyah Meat to Non-Muslims?
Allaah does not forbid you to be just and kind to those who do not fight against you on account of religion…
Combining the Prayer due to Rain – 5
Reference: The Permanent Committee ( The second Group (6/65) Question: In case we combine ‘Ishaa with Maghrib because of rain, is it permissible for a person to pray shaf’ and witr [night prayer] after praying ‘Ishaa in the masjid or does he have to wait until the actual time of ‘Ishaa arrives and then he (can) pray his sunnahs and then shaf’ and witr? What is better? Give us a fatwa (Islamic Verdict), […]
Entering into churches in order to call to Islaam
Two Fataawa from the Permanent Committee of Scholars regarding entering into churches in order to call to Allaah
A call to unity and shunning division and splitting
A clarification from the Permanent Committee for Knowledge Based Research and Legal Verdicts regarding: A call to unity and shunning division and splitting.
Using inhalers and breath-fresheners during Ramadan
What is the ruling for the asthmatic person to use inhalers through the mouth during the Fast in Ramadhaan?
The prayer of the traveller who does not encounter nightfall
A whole day had actually passed him by. So what should he do about the prayers which he has missed? And what should he do when he travels via the same route next time?
Wearing Trousers, Suits and Ties
What is the ruling on wearing trousers in the following scenarios: If they are tight? What if they are loose-fitting, but worn in a way that resembles the style of Westerners?
Performing Hajj on behalf of my Parents
Can I make Hajj upon my parents who died and did not make Hajj during their lifetimes as it never became Waajib (obligatory) for them due to their poverty?
Performing Hajj on behalf of my Father
I have made Hajj for myself 3 times, & that is because it is very easy for those who live in Saudi to perform the Hajj, whether they are here for work or for other reasons.
Virtue of Hajj
Does an accepted Blessed Hajj wipe away the major sins? and when does trade become permissible during hajj?
Why does the pilgrim wear those clothes during Hajj?
Why does the pilgrim wear those clothes during Hajj?
Appointing an ameer during the Hajj journey
Is our appointing an ameer (“group” leader) during the Hajj journey permissible or not?