Four important principles clarifying how we should interact with the evidences and rulings of the Sharī’ah.
Category: Resources
Workbook: Lamiyyah of Ibn Taymiyyah
16 verses of poetry attributed to Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, authored in reply to a person who questioned him regarding his Aqīdah.
Workbook: Ad-Durūs al-Muhimma li-‘āmatil Ummah
An excellent study text for a beginner student, topics include: the basics of Aqīdah (belief), rulings of Wudū, Ṣalāh and Janāzah; Muslim manners and morals; and different types of sins.
Workbook: Manzūmat al-Qawā’id al-Fiqhiyyah
Principles – or maxims – pertaining to Fiqh; each one dictates many individual issues; translated and presented in a workbook format for students to utilise as a study resource.
Download: Hilyah Talib al-ilm [Arabic & English]
Arabic and English pdf of “Hilyat Talib al-ilm” authored by Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd. Translated title: Etiquettes of the Student of Knowledge.