Black Lives Matter: A call of Jahiliyyah

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  1. Oppression is darkness on the Day of Resurrection.
  2. The definition of Da’wa Jāhiliyyah
  3. Black Lives Matter and Da’wa Jāhiliyyah
  4. The Unislamic values and objectives of BLM movement.
  5. Da’wa Islāmiyyah vs Da’wa Jāhiliyyah
  6. Social Justice in Islām
  7. Racism and nationalism in Muslim communities.
  8. The correct methodology in societal rectification.
  9. Conclusion: Differentiating between the call and the movement.

- from Manchester, UK. He is a graduate of the Islaamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, the Faculty of Sharee'ah, and Masters in 'Aqeedah; He is currently pursuing his PhD in 'Aqeedah.

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