In the name of Allāh, ar-Raḥmān (the most merciful), ar-Raḥīm (the bestower of mercy).
Allāh has honoured us with the blessed days, the days of Ramadān; however these days are limited, for this reason, he described them as:
{…a limited number of days} [02:183]
So, the days of Ramadān are blessed however they are numbered and quick to pass. To help us make the most of these blessed days, I offer the following words of advice for myself and the reader:
First: We should understand why we fast; what is the wisdom behind fasting? We fast:
- To develop piety, to feel close to him; and to show shukr (gratitude) to Allāh.
- We fast in submission to his command, as He is the one who obligated it upon us.
- We fast hoping for his mercy, forgiveness and reward; and fearing his punishment.
- We fast hoping to attain Paradise, and be saved from the Fire.
- All these beautiful meanings are contained within the word ‘taqwa’, as he, the blessed, said:
{O you who believe, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you so that you may attain taqwa} [02:183]
Second: The real essence of fasting is not merely abstaining from food and drink – many people can easily abstain from food for a few hours, and Allāh does not benefit from our hunger and thirst, nor did he legislate it to punish us through hunger. Rather the real essence of fasting is the state of your heart, mind, tongue and soul throughout this month. The Prophet ﷺ said,
Whoever does not give up false speech and evil actions, Allāh is not in need of his leaving his food and drink. [al-Bukhāri]
Third: Ramadān is a month of worship; it is the month of fasting during the day and praying at night; it is the month dhikr and du’ā; it is the month of the Qur’ān. So, we must rectify our intentions and increase our efforts this month.
Fourth: Allāh distinguished this blessed month from all other months in many ways, and one of its distinctions is that it is the month of the Qur’ān. When Allāh, the blessed, wanted to explain why this month is distinguished from other months, He said:
{The month of Ramadān in which the Qur’ān has been sent down as guidance for mankind, containing clear signs of guidance and distinguishing (the truth from falsehood)} [02:185]
Ibn Rajab said: “This āyah proves the encouragement to study the Qur’ān in Ramadān, and to come together to do this.”
Ffifth: Whilst we are in this worldly life, our outlook should be of consistent preparation for the Hereafter. As Muslims, we live and die for our Hereafter. So, increase your good statements and actions. Take your provisions now, for the journey to the Hereafter. And the greatest provision we can take is Taqwa,
{Whatever good you do – Allāh knows it. And take provisions; verily, the best provision is fear of Allāh. And fear me, O people of understanding} [02:185]
The real life, the eternal life, the abode of bliss is in the Hereafter so we should not become deceived by this life. Allāhm the most-high, said,
{Whatever you have will end, but what Allah has is lasting} [16:96]
So, let us not waste these precious hours and days, and let us increase our efforts so we may reap the rewards of the Hereafter.
May Allah accept our fasting, recitation, supplications and charity in this blessed month.
May salutations of praise and peace be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad, his family, companions and true followers.