Reference: al-Fataawaa wad-Duroos fil-Masjid al-Haraam bi-Samaahatish-Shaykh Abdillaah ibn Muhammad ibn Humayd, pg. 557
You must have Wudhu for the Tawaaf, because the Tawaaf of the [Ka’bah] is [like] the Salaah, as has been established from the Hadeeth of Aa’ishah [radiyAllaahu anhaa] which is narrated in the two Saheehs, where she said:
“The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) entered Makkah in the state of Ihraam, and the first thing he started with was to make Wudhu. He then went to the [Ka’bah] to make Tawaaf” [al-Bukhaaree (1641) and Muslim (1235)].
So this [Hadeeth] provides evidence that Wudhu is a condition [for Tawaaf]. As for the menstruating woman, she enters the state of Ihraam and comes (ash-Shaykh al-Allaamah Saalih ibn Abdullaah ibn Humayd (hafidhahullaah) said: ‘Meaning: she comes to Makkah’), however, she stays [in Makkah] until she becomes pure. After she becomes pure, she takes a bath, makes Tawaaf and the Sa’ee, and shortens [her hair], and there is nothing upon her [from sin or expiation].
If a menstruating women were to enter [i.e. pass by the Meeqaat] without entering the state of Ihraam, while she has come [to Makkah] intending Umrah, meaning: she entered [i.e. passed by the Meeqaat] without entering the state of Ihraam due to ignorance, and then she became pure [i.e. in Makkah], whereby she [were to ask]: ‘Do I enter the state of Ihraam from here [i.e. her place in Makkah] or from ‘at-Tan’eem’ [Masjid Aa’ishah]?,’ we would tell her: ‘No, go and enter the state of Ihraam from the Meeqaat, and if you were to enter the state of Ihraam from here [i.e. her place in Makkah] or from ‘at-Tan’eem’, then upon you is slaughtering [of a sacrificial animal]. Given that you have come from your country intending ‘Umrah, and have entered [i.e. passed by the Meeqaat] without entering the state of Ihraam due to menstruation, then when you become pure, you are to return to the Meeqaat and enter the state of Ihraam from there, and there would be nothing upon you [of sin or expiation]. And if you were to enter the state of Ihraam from [the Meeqaat] even though you were menstruating, this [would] be best.’ [In such a case,] she would remain in the state of Ihraam [whilst she is menstruating], and when she becomes pure, she takes a bath, makes Tawaaf and the Sa’ee, and shortens [her hair], and she would have completed her ‘Umrah.
إحرام الحائض
المرجع: الفتاوى والدروس في المسجد الحرام بسماحة الشيج عبد الله بن محمد بن حميد، ص: 558
ثم الطواف لابد أنك تتوضأ، لأن الطواف بالبيت صلاة، وكما في حديث عائشة في الصحيحين قالت:
((قدم رسول الله صلى الله عليه سلم مكة محرما، فأول شيء بدأ به أن توضأ ثم ذهب إلي البيت ليطوف)) البخاري-1641 ومسلم-1235
فهذا يدل على أنه لابد من الوضوء، أما الحائض فتحرم من الميقات وتأتي ]أي: تأتي ألى مكة (الشيخ صالح)[، لكنها تبقى حتى تطهر، فإذا طهرت تغتسل وتطوف وتسعى وتقصر، ولاشيء عليها، ثم لو دخلت الحائض بدون إحرام وهي جاءت لقصد العمرة، يعتي: دخلت بغير إحرام جهلا، ثم طهرت، قالت: هل أحرم من هنا أو من التنعيم؟ نقول لها: لا، اذهبي وأحرمي من الميقات، وإن أحرمت من هنا أو من التنعيم فعليك دم، ما دام أنك جئت من بلدك لأجل الهمرة، ودخلت من غير إحرام بسبب الحيض، فإذا طهرت ترجعين إلى الميقات و تحرمين منه، ولاشيء عليك، وإن أحرمت منه وأنت حائض فهذا هو الأحسن، وتبقى على إحرامها، فإذا طهرت تغتسل وتطوف وتسعى وتقصر، وقد تمت عمرتها.