Shaykh Saalih as-Suhaymee says about us: It aims to clarify the correct methodology while avoiding extremism, useless gossip, and distortion of the scholars’ statements to make them mean what they did not intend.

Shaykh Khaalid ar-Raddaadee says about us: Indeed, the website “Madeenah.com" is from amongst the beneficial and distinguished Salafi sites.

The dowry for each wife was 500 dirhams. 500 dirhams was not the collective dowry between all his wives.
Assalamu alaikum,
If you read through the article – specifically the appendix – you will find an explanation for the above issue.
Allah knows best, wa billahi at-Tawfeeq.
Again in today’s economy? Some relate that to be 136 USD…. That’s not feasible.
Please read this: