Reference: “Fataawaa al-Imaam an-Nawawee” (Also known as: “al-Manthooraat wa Ayoon al-Masaa’il al-Muhimmaat”), Kitaab al-Hajj, Question # 108, pg. 56.
Question: Is [it permissible] for [a person] to make Hajj without the permission of his parents? And is this Hajj of his correct? [Additionally,] is [it permissible] for [a person] to travel for the purpose of seeking legislative knowledge [without the permission of his parents]? And do the parents commit sin by preventing him [from making Hajj]?
Response: The [parents] have the right to prevent him from making supererogatory Hajj, and they do not commit sin by [preventing him from making this supererogatory Hajj]. [However,] it is not [permissible] for the parents to prevent him from making the obligatory Hajj, and they commit sin by preventing him. And the one who makes Hajj without the permission of the parents, his Hajj is correct in either circumstance [i.e. whether, they give him permission to make this Hajj or prevent him from doing so], even though he will be sinning [by disobeying them] in the supererogatory Hajj [i.e. he will not be sinning by disobeying them in the obligatory Hajj]. And [it is permissible] for him to travel for the purpose of seeking legislative knowledge without their [the parents] permission.
الحج بغير إذن الوالدين
المرجع: فتاوى الإمام النووي (المسى: المنثورات وعيون المسائل المهمات)، كتاب الحج، مسألة (108)، ص: 56
السؤال: هل له الحج بغير إذن والديه؟ ويصح حجه أو (هل له) الخروج في طلب العلم؟ وهل يأثمان بمنعه؟
الجواب: لهما منعه من حج التطوع، ولا يأثمان بذلك، وليس لهما منعه من حج الفريضة، ويأثمان بمنعه. ومن حج بغير إذنهما صح حجه مطلقا وإن كان عاصيا في التطوع. وله السفر في طلب العلم بغير إذنهما.