Explanation of the 40 Hadeeth of Imaam An-Nawawi [44 Lessons]

The lessons are taken from the Explanation of the 40 Hadeeth of An-Nawawi by Ibn Uthaymeen, along with benefits from Jaami’ Al-Uloom Wal-Hikam by Ibn Rajab.

The explanation of each Hadeeth is broken into four parts:

  1. A brief biography of the Sahaabi, the companion who narrated the Hadeeth.
  2. The general meaning of the Hadeeth
  3. A detailed breakdown of each Hadeeth
  4. A summary of benefits.


Lesson One: Introduction – Three ways to save ourselves from Fitnah; 6 mistakes that students of knowledge often fall into; an introduction to the 40 Hadeeth of An-Nawawi; a biography of Imaam An-Nawawi.  Download Lesson 1

Lesson Two: Explanation of the first Hadeeth of Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab: “Actions are only according to their intentions, and every person is rewards according to his intention…” [Al-Bukhaaree & Muslim] Download Lesson 2

Lesson Three: Partial explanation of the second Hadeeth of Angel Jibreel: Umar said, “One day we were sitting with the Prophet when suddenly a man appeared…” The lesson includes an important discussion about the decree of Allah and the occurrence of harm and pain in this world. Download Lesson 3

Lesson Four: Second part of the explanation to the second Hadeeth of Jibreel. Towards the end many benefits are derived from this Hadeeth. There is also an important admonishment regarding respecting the elderly in our community. Download Lesson 4

Lesson Five: Explanation of the third Hadeeth: “Islam is built upon five matters”; The lesson contains a brief biography of Abdullah Ibn Umar and a discussion regarding the use of a Kunya, and an explanation of the five pillars of Islam. Download Lesson 5

Lesson Six: Explanation of the Hadeeth of Ibn Mas’ood: “Each one of you begins in the womb of his mother as a cell of sperm…”; Also contain: A biography of Abdullah Ibn Mas’ood, the different types and levels of Qadr (Decree), can Du’a change the decree of Allah (as mentioned in a Hadeeth)?; An encouragement to place your reliance upon Allah, whilst working hard in the Dunya; how can a person do good all his life and yet enter the Fire, and vice versa. Download Lesson 6

Lesson Seven: Explanation of the Hadeeth of Aaishah: “Whoever introduces an action into our religion, it will be rejected”. Also contains: A biography of Aishah Bint Abee Bakr; important points relating to innovations. Download Lesson 7

Lesson Eight: Explanation of the Hadeeth of Nu’maan Ibn Basheer: “Verily the permitted matters are clear, and the forbidden matters are clear, and between them are doubtful matters which many people do not know…”. Also contains: An explanation of the five Ahkaam (legal rulings) of the Sharee’ah; The difference between Usool A-Fiqh and Fiqh; How does a Muslim interact with doubtful unclear matters; the importance of living in an honourable and dignified manner; Clarifying yourself to guard your honour from assumptions; The obligation of focusing on one’s heart; Corrupt sinful actions indicate a corrupt heart. Download Lesson 8

Lesson Nine: Explanation of the Hadeeth of Tameem Ibn Aws: “The religion is sincere advice…” Also contains: A biography of the companion Tameem Ad-Daaree; At the core of our religion is Naseehah; The linguistic and Islamic meaning of Naseehah; Our obligation towards Allah, His Book and His Messenger; how to deal with corrupt oppressive rulers; tips and guidelines when advising people. Download Lesson 9

Lesson Ten: Explanation of the Hadeeth of Abdullah Ibn ‘Umar: “I have been ordered to fight the people until they testify…” Also contains: A biography of the companion Abdullah Ibn Umar; Following the companions in small deeds of kindness; Does this Hadeeth call to violence? Are people compelled to be a Muslim?; Four types of non-Muslims; What is the Jizyah which a non-Muslim pays to the Muslim state? What a Muslim wants living in a non-Muslim country; rulings pertaining to the stoning of an adulterer. Download Lesson 10

Lesson Eleven: Explanation of the Hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah: “Whatever I forbid you, avoid it; whatever I order you to do so, do it according to your ability; verily those who came before you were destroyed due to asking too many questions and opposing their Prophets.” Also contains: A biography of the companion Abu Hurayrah; The context and story of this Hadeeth; The two levels of prohibitions and the two levels of commands; The ease and leniency of Islam; An explanation of the principle: “Haraam matters are permitted in cases of necessity” and guidelines with regards to what constitutes a “necessity”; Download Lesson 11

Lesson Twelve: Explanation of the Hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah: “Verily Allah is Pure, and only accepts what is pure. He ordered the believers with the same thing he ordered the Messengers: {O Messengers, eat from the pure and do righteous actions}…” Also contains: The intended meaning of Tayyib (pure) and Khabeeth (impure) in Islam; The effect of interest based loans on your Duas and worship; Having hope and optimism in everything Allah has decreed; The wisdom in us being created for the worship of Allah; Jannah is a pure abode, for the people of purity; When is it permitted to raise hands when supplicating? Download Lesson 12

Lesson Thirteen: Explanation of the Hadeeth of Al-Hassan: “Leave what causes you doubt for something which does not cause any doubt” Also contains: A biography of Al-Hassan Ibn Alee (the grandson of the Prophet); Why we must love Aal Al-Bayt (the household of the Prophet); How the the Messenger prophesised the unity of the Ummah through Al-Hassan during a time of tribulation; guidance from the Prophet to take the easier of two options; practical advice from the Prophet in dealing with matters which cause of anxiety; Different types, their causes and cures: Shubhah, Shakk and Wiswaas; An explanation of the principle: Certainty is not removed by doubt; practical implementation of the above principle in all spheres of our life Download Lesson 13

Lesson Fourteen: Explanation of the Hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah: “From the goodness of a person’s Islam, is to leave alone that which does not concern him.” Also contains: An example of how Abu Hurayrah showed obedience to him mother; The importance of small deeds of kindness; matters which we should and should not concern ourselves with; Instances when something may not concern an individual personally, however the Sharee’ah permits him to involve himself in it; do not make a judgement upon the intention or heart of a person; how free time, money and youthfulness corrupts a person Download Lesson 14

Lesson Fifteen: Explanation of the Hadeeth of Anas Ibn Maalik: “None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for his own self.” Also contains: A biography of Anas Ibn Maalik; A witness account from Anas regarding the manners and softness of the Prophet; The rights and obligations of Islamic brotherhood; the obligation of loving and caring for every Muslim; the two different levels of Imaan which are both an obligation upon us; the obligation of loving and showing aversion for the sake of Allah; Download Lesson 15

Lesson Sixteen: Explanation of the Hadeeth of Abdullah Ibn Mas’ood: “The blood of a Muslim is not permitted except for three reasons: a [married] adulterer, a life for a life and the one who leaves his religion and abandons the Jamaa’ah” Also contains: A biography of Ibn Mas’ood and his story of Islam; The sanctity of the life of a Muslim; Which type of adultery deserves the Islamic punishment?; the conditions which must be fulfilled for the punishment to be applied; Conditions and guidelines for the punishment of a murderer; the Islamic punishment for a Murtadd; the dangers of Takfeer. Download Lesson 16

Lesson Seventeen: Explanation of the Hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah: “Whoever believes in Allah and the Final Day should speak with goodness or remain silent; whoever believes in Allah an the Final Day should honour is neighbour; Whoever believes in Allah and the Final Day should honour his guest”. Also contains: Guidelines with regards to speech and silence; the importance of one’s culture; who is considered a neighbour; what the rights of the guest are. Download Lesson 17

Lesson Eighteen: Explanation of the Hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah: “A man came to the Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) and said: ‘Admonish me’. The Prophet replied: ‘Do not become angry’.” Also contains: The dangers and pitfalls of anger; strategies which the Prophet taught us to deal with anger; what type of anger is actually praised and good? How the Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) would deal with irritations. Download Lesson 18

Lesson Nineteen: Explanation of the Hadeeth of Shaddaad Ibn Aws: “Verily Allah has prescribed goodness in everything. If you kill, kill well, and if your slaughter, slaughter well…”
Also contains: A brief biography of the companion Shaddaad Ibn Aws; How a Muslim should act in times of fitnah; Know your own limits and stop at them; The two types of decree of Allah; The importance of showing goodness to others; The meaning of being a ‘moderate Muslim’; Rules pertaining to Jihad; Rules pertaining to slaughtering an animal. Download Lesson 19

Lesson Twenty: Explanation of the Hadeeth of Abu Dharr Al-Ghaffaari: “Maintain Taqwa wherever you may be, follow up a bad deed by performing a good deed and it will wipe it away, and interact with the people with good manners…”
Also contains: A brief biography of the companion Abu Dharr Al-Ghaffaari a former criminal, how he accepted Islam; The meaning of Taqwa and its levels; The meaning of Zuhd; How good deeds wipe away sins. Download Lesson 20

Lesson Twenty One: Explanation of the Hadeeth of Ibn Abbaas: “O young boy, protect [the commandments of] Allah and He will protect you, protect [the commandments of] Allah and you will find Him in front of you…”
Also contains: A brief biography of the companion Ibn Abbaas; the meaning of ‘Allah being with you’; an explanation of Tawheed and Tawakkul; looking to our own sins when going through difficulties; how Allah promises ease twice with one difficulty; the importance of cultivating our young children upon the strength of Imaan, Tawheed and reliance upon Allah. Download Lesson 21

Lesson Twenty Two: Explanation of the Hadeeth of Abu Mas’ood Uqbah: “From the matters which people learnt from early prophecies is: if you feel no Hayaa (shame), do as you wish…”
Also contains: A brief biography of the companion Abu Mas’ood; the meaning of Hayaa; a stark look at today’s society in which there is a lack of Hayaa; how to cultivate children in the home to have Hayaa; different levels and types of Hayaa; why Hayaa is not shyness. Download Lesson 22

Lesson Twenty Three: Explanation of the Hadeeth of Sufyan Ibn Abdillah, who said to the Prophet: “Tell me a matter about Islam regarding which I do not need to ask anybody else after you.” The Prophet replied: “Say: I have Imaan in Allah, and be upright.”
Also contains: A brief biography of the companion Sufyan Ibn Abdillah; Why did the Prophet mention Imaan and Istiqaamah?; The relationship between the heart and limbs; The meaning of Istiqaamah; Matters which help a person upon Istiqaamah. Download Lesson 23

Lesson Twenty Four: Explanation of the Hadeeth of Abu Abdillah Jabir ibn Abdillah al-Ansari who said: “A man asked the Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam), “Tell me if I were to perform the obligatory [prayers], fast in Ramadhan, treat the lawful as permissible and treat the forbidden as unlawful and I do not add anything to that, would I enter Paradise?” The Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) replied, “Yes”.
Also contains: A brief biography of the companion; the importance of performing voluntary actions and staying away from disliked matters Download Lesson 24

Lesson Twenty Five: Explanation of the Hadeeth of Abu Malik Al-Ash’aree: “Purity is half of Imaan, Alhamdulillah fills the scale; SubhanaAllah and Alhamdulillah fill what is between the Heavens and earth; Salaah is light; Sadaqah (charity) is proof; Sabr (patience) is illumination and the Qur’an is either a proof for or against you. Every person starts his day as a vendor of his soul, either freeing it or causing its ruin”.
Also contains: A brief biography of the companion; the story and merits of the tribe of the Ash’arees; why purity is half of Imaan; the meaning of ‘Alhamdulillah’ and ‘SubhanaAllah’; why is Sadaqah light; the importance of patience in one’s life; how is the Qur’an a proof for or against a person. Download Lesson 25

Lesson Twenty Six: Explanation of the lengthy Hadeeth of Abu Dharr al-Ghaffaari: “O my slaves, I have forbidden oppression from Myself and I have made it forbidden between yourselves so do not oppress each other. O My slaves, all of you are misguided except those whom I guide so seek guidance from Me and I shall guide you…”. The lesson also contains: the definition of Hadeeth Qudsi and the difference between it and a normal Hadeeth; The different levels of Uboodiyyah (submission to Allah); How to answer the question: Does god have the ability to oppress? Download Lesson 26

Lesson Twenty Seven: Explanation of the Hadeeth: “In every Tasbeeh [saying: ‘subhanAllah’] is charity, every Takbeer is charity, and every Tahmeed [saying: ‘al-hamdu lillah’] is charity, and every tahleelah [saying: ‘laa ilaha illaAllah’] is charity; commanding the good is charity, forbidding an evil is charity, and in the sexual act of each one of you there is a charity….”. The lesson also contains: the advice of the Prophet to Abu Dharr: ‘do not seek authority because you are weak…”; avenues of charity even if a person is poor; the permitted types of jealousy; different strategies of education which the Prophet would utilise. Download Lesson 27

Lesson Twenty Eight: Explanation of the Hadeeth: “For every joint of a person, there is charity, every day in which the sun rises. Reconcile between two people is charity, Help a person upon his riding beast or place his possessions on it is charity. A good word is charity. Every step for Prayer is charity. Removing a harmful object from the path is charity”. The lesson also contains: The story of the conversion of the mother of Abu Hurayrah; the obligation of loving Abu Hurayrah; the virtue of Tawheed; signs of Allah within ourselves; the many avenues of charity and that it is not restricted to money; Download Lesson 28

Lesson Twenty Nine: Explanation of the Hadeeth: “Consult your heart, righteousness is when the soul feels at ease and the heart feels tranquil. Evil is when your soul hesitates and causes uneasiness in the heart…”. The lesson also contains: The encouragement of a person of higher status to accept gifts from a person of lower standing; Who wrote the chapter headings of Saheeh Muslim?; how does a person know what is righteousness and what is evil; when to consult ones heart to know good and evil; the importance of individualising your Da’wah to the person you are talking to. Download Lesson 29

Lesson Thirty: Explanation of the Hadeeth: “The Prophet gave us a profound admonishment, the eyes shed tears and the hearts trembled with fear so we said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, it is as though this is a farewell sermon so advise us. He replied, I advise you with Taqwa…”. The lesson also contains: A brief biography of the companion Irbadh Ibn Saariyah; the meaning of Taqwa; the importance of following the Sunnah and avoiding all Bid’ah; Who are the rightly guided Caliphs, evidences for following the way of the Salaf; There is no such things as a good Bid’ah; Download Lesson 30

Lesson Thirty One: Explanation of the Hadeeth: “O Messenger of Allah, inform me of an action which enters me into Paradise and distances me from the Fire…”. The lesson also contains: A brief biography of the companion Mu’adh Ibn Jabal and his intelligence; the meaning of ‘Ibaadah and to have humility in front of Allah when worshipping Him; how the righteous people of the past were known for their silence; the severity of words; the ease of Islam. Download Lesson 31

Lesson Thirty Two: Explanation of the Hadeeth: “Allah has obligated matters so do not neglect them, and set limits so do not exceed them, and sanctified matters so do not violate them…”. The lesson also contains: A brief biography of the companion Abu Tha’laba; hoping to die in a state of righteousness; the four categories of actions: obligations, limits/punishments, prohibitions and allowances; the difference between the terms ‘Fardh’ and ‘Waajib’; the ruling on removing bodily hair. Download Lesson 32

Lesson Thirty Three: Explanation of the Hadeeth: “Renounce the world and Allah will love you. Renounce what people possess and people will love you…” The lesson also contains: A brief biography of the companion Sahl Ibn Sa’ad; the concept of Zuhd (ascetism) in Islam and its different types; does wealth, good clothes a luxury car negate Zuhd? The Dua of the Salaf wo would ask Allah to give them materialistic wealth whilst at the same time ask for ascetism; be independent of the people and you will be held in high regard.
Download Lesson 33

Lesson Thirty Four: Explanation of the Hadeeth: “There is no harm nor reciprocating harm…” The lesson also contains: A brief biography of the companion Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudree; This Hadeeth acts as a maxim of fiqh – a rule of conduct which applies to many aspects of Islamic sciences; Download Lesson 34

Lesson Thirty Five: Explanation of the Hadeeth: “Were people to be given everything that they claimed, men would claim the wealth and lives of others. The burden of proof is upon the claimant, and the taking of an oath is upon him who denies”; Also contains: A brief biography of Abdullah Ibn Abbaas; a framework provided by the Sharee’ah for any judicial process. Download Lesson 35

Lesson Thirty Six: Explanation of the Hadeeth: “Whoever amongst you sees an evil, let him change it with his heart. If he is not able to do so, let [speak against it] with his tongue. If he is not able to do so, let him [hate it] in his heart and, that is the weakest level of Iman.” The lesson also contains: A brief biography of the companion Abu Sa’eed al-Khudree; Conditions which have to be fulfilled when forbidding an evil or advising a person; The different types and levels of wrong/evil; Examples of how the Prophet would differentiate between different types of people; A mention of the chaotic methodology of reckless boycotting;
Download Lesson 36

Lesson Thirty Seven: Explanation of the Hadeeth: “Do not envy one another, and do not inflate prices for one another, and do not hate one another, and do not turn away from one another, and do not undercut one another in trade, but [rather] be slaves of Allah and brothers [amongst yourselves]. A Muslim is the brother of a Muslim: he does not oppress him, nor does he fail him, nor does he lie to him, nor does he hold him in contempt. Taqwa (piety) is right here [and he pointed to his chest three times]. It is evil enough for a man to hold his brother Muslim in contempt. The whole of a Muslim is inviolable for another Muslim: his blood, his property, and his honour.” Download Lesson 37

Lesson Thirty Eight: Explanation of the Hadeeth: “Whoever removes a worldly grief from a believer, Allah will remove from him one of the griefs of the Day of Resurrection. And whoever alleviates the need of a needy person, Allah will alleviate his needs in this world and the Hereafter. Whoever shields [or hides the misdeeds of] a Muslim, Allah will shield him in this world and the Hereafter…” The lesson also contains: The importance of helping each other in worldly affairs; the obligation of allowing a person in debt some respite; the great virtue and reward for seeking knowledge; the virtue of the Masaajid and the people who congregate to seek knowledge therein; the great principle of ‘the recompense for an action is according to the same type of action’.
Download Lesson 38

Lesson Thirty Nine: Explanation of the Hadeeth: “Whoever was determined to do a good action, but did not do it, a good deed will be written for him …” The lesson also contains: A brief biography of Ibn Abbaas; an example of the virtue and kindness of Allah – that people are rewarded for their good thoughts and intentions; Regarding a person who is determined to do an evil action but does not do it; factors which multiply the reward of the same action. Download Lesson 39

Lesson Forty: Explanation of the Hadeeth: “The Messenger of Allah (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) said, “Verily Allah ta’ala has said: ‘Whosoever shows enmity to a Waliyy (friend) of Mine, I have declared war against him. My servant does not seek closeness to Me with anything more loved to Me than the Obligations; and My servant continues to seek closeness to me with Nawaafil (voluntary deeds) until I Love him. When I Love him, I am his hearing with which he hears, and his sight with which he sees, and his hand with which he strikes, and his foot with which he walks. Were he to ask something of Me, I would surely give it to him; and were he to seek refuge with Me, I would surely grant him refuge.” Download Lesson 40

Lesson Forty One: Explanation of the Hadeeth: “Allah has pardoned my Ummah for my sake for their errors, moments of forgetfulness and what they are compelled to do…” The lesson also contains: The supplications of the Prophet for Ibn Abbaas; a study of various Fiqh issues pertaining to errors, ignorance, forgetfulness and being coerced upon an action. Download Lesson 41

Lesson Forty Two: Explanation of the Hadeeth: “Be in the world as though you are stranger or a traveller…” The lesson also contains: A brief biography of Ibn Umar; What is the correct balance between the Dunya and Akhirah; the permitted pleasures of this Dunya hold accountability and the forbidden pleasures of this Dunya hold punishment; Download Lesson 42

Lesson Forty Three: Explanation of the Hadeeth: “None of you truly believes until his desires are in line with what I have brought” The lesson also contains: A brief biography of ‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Amr Ibn al-‘Aas; Why the writing of Hadeeth was initially forbidden; The importance of aligning our wants, feelings and desires to the Sharee’ah; examples of how the companions would conform to the commands of the Messenger without any hesitancy or making excuses; the principle: Love of the Allah, necessitates following His Messenger; Download Lesson 43

Lesson Forty Four: Explanation of the Hadeeth: “O Son of Adam, as long as you invoke Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. O Son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and you then asked forgiveness from Me, I would forgive you. O Son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the Earth, and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great as it [too].” Download Lesson 44


He is a graduate of the Islamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, and later the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 2010. He currently resides in Nelson, Lancashire and is the Imam of Masjid Sunnah.


Very beneficial series. I listen to it whenever commuting to work, exercising, cleaning, etc. Cannot wait for the future episodes. JazakumAllahu khayran. Maybe in the future you guys can do a series dedicated to the biographies of the Companions to help us ignorant people increase our love for them


Bit of huge ask but is there any chance you can upload pdf notes to each lesson like some qoutation you use during lectures.I find reading and having notes helps me to understand each lesson better.

Ive noticed with some of your other lectures you upload the notes aswell.

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