This ebook contains answers to the following questions:
- What does Islām mean?
- How does a person become a Muslim?
- What are the 5 pillars of Islām?
- What are the 6 pillars of imān?
- Who is Allāh?
- What do Muslims believe about Allāh?
- What are some of the beautiful names of Allāh?
- What is tawḥīd?
- Who was Muḥammad?
- What is the Qur’ān?
- What is ḥadīth?
- What is sunnah?
- What is bid’ah?
- What are the Islamic evidences?
- What do the words “Salaf” and “Salafi” mean?
- How do I deal with different groups and sects?
- Why did Allāh create us and place us upon the earth?
- What do Muslims believe about death?
- What is ṣalāh?
- How do I pray ṣalāh if I do not know the words in Arabic?
- What is a masjid?
- What should I do before I go to a masjid?
- What should I do when I enter a masjid?
- What is du’ā?
- What is dhikr?
- What is the measure of good and evil?
- What are sins?
- How do I repent from sins?
- Which festivals do Muslims celebrate?
- What good manners does Islām guide to?
- What should I prioritise learning?
- How do I go about learning and seeking knowledge?
- How do I learn Qur’ān and Arabic?
- Do I have to change my name after accepting Islām?
- What is circumcision?
- How do I interact with my parents, non-Muslim family members, my social circle and colleagues?
- How do I interact with the opposite gender?
- How do I approach marriage?
- How can I achieve a balance between being a Muslim and my professional life?
Asalamu alaykom wa rahmato Allahi wa barakatuh, I just wanted to point out it minor mistake I think I noticed which is that under manners it says something like “lowering the gaze in front of the opposite” but it is missing the word “gender”
Walaykum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,
JazakaAllaah khayr for pointing that out.