The True Da’wah of Shaykh Muhammad bin AbdulWahhaab
The belief of the Shaykh regarding the Prophet ﷺ.
- 1st Doubt: He does not regard the Prophet ﷺ to be the last of the Prophets.
- 2nd Doubt: He disregards the right of the Prophet ﷺ and does not raise him to a befitting status.
- 3rd Doubt: He rejects the intercession of the Prophet ﷺ.
The Second Matter: The family of the Prophet ﷺ.
The Third Matter: The miracles of the awliyā (the righteous people).
The Fourth Matter: Takfīr (declaring Muslims to be disbelievers).
The Fifth Matter: The way of the Khawaarij.
The Sixth Matter: ‘Tajsīm’ (to believe that Allāh has a bodily form).
The Seventh Matter: Opposing the scholars.
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