A series of lessons in explaining Soorah Al-Baqarah from Tafseer As-Sa’di. This post will regularly updated until the Soorah is completed.
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Readings from Tafseer As-Sa’adi – Soorah Al-Faatihah
This Lesson contains a Tafseer of Soorah Al-Faatihah
Readings from Tafseer As-Sa’adi – Lesson 1 [Introduction]
In the first esson an introduction to Tafseer is given, explaining our obligation to the Qur’an and the importance of the Sunnah in explaining the Qur’an.
Rulings Pertaining to Hijrah
If a person residing in the land of kufr doesn’t have the ability to practice his religion and has the ability to migrate to Muslim countries (then hijrah is obligatory upon him).
Glossary of Islamic terms
Using the comments section, it is hoped the readers will help develop the glossary by suggesting new terms or alternative definitions of existing terms.