A sermon which calls us to reflect with the changing of seasons and Fiqh rulings pertaining to winter
Category: Topic
The community disregarding the student of knowledge
When society disregards the student of knowledge, such that he feels he does not have an appropriate role in society
An advice to Muslim youth: study and work hard
With the beginning of the new academic year as well as the GCSE results, a pertinant sermon for the youth encouraging them to study and work hard.
A study of Bid’ah and related principles [5 Lessons]
A four part series of lessons in which the definitions, categorisations, rulings, principles and doubts arelating to Bid’ah (religious innovations) are studied.
Prostrating to others as a form of greeting
Is the story of Prophet Yusuf an evidence permiting prostating to others out of respect?
When Prophet Ibraheem & Ismaeel built the Ka’bah
Profound lessons and admonishments from the great story of the building of the Ka’bah
Essential questions and answers regarding the eclipse
8 essential questions which clarify how a Muslim should react during an eclipse and which actions are legislated.
A concise explanation of four basic texts of Aqeedah [35 Lessons]
Audio series in which a brief synopsis, breakdown and benefits of four basic texts on Tawheed are studied.
Explanation of the 40 Hadeeth of Imaam An-Nawawi [44 Lessons]
mp3 audio series explaining the meanings and benefits from Al-Arba’oon An-Nawawiyah (The 40 Hadeeth of An-Nawawi)
Racism has no place in Islam
Examples of the illustrious past of Islam in its fight against racism
Islamic guidelines for using social media
9 important guidelines to ensure our social media accounts are an avenue of reward and not punishment.
A reminder and admonishment for brotherhood upon Imaan
A heartfelt advice regarding the ongoing difference between some brothers in which there have been accusations of racism and prejudice
Is it permitted to lie against an innovator?
We ask Allah to guide the Salafees to being truthful and just
A man commits suicide in Masjid Al-Haraam, Makkah
This article outlines various rulings related to suicide, including: Is suicide Kufr? What is the final abode of this person? Can we pray his Janaazah? How should a community react to a suicide?
Give just £1 in the last ten days of Ramadhan…
I received two messages via WhatsApp suggesting people to perform some simple actions and statements in the last ten nights of Ramadhan. I felt that this is actually counter-productive to striving hard in these days….