So this Imaam, if he were to fall into an innovation or a sin that does not amount up to disbelief, then surely, prayer behind him is considered to be correct and permissible.
Category: Topic
Praying in the Masaajid of Ahl al-Bid’ah
Important guidelines in praying and teaching in the mosques of the people of innovation.
Being preoccupied with the Hizbees
Some of the small students of knowledge have become obsessed with speaking about Hizbees, such that it takes up the majority of their time and have ceased to seek knowledge…
Declaring Someone An Innovator – Final
Is it conditional in order to declare [a person] to be an innovator, that the proof be established against him first, or is this not required?
Declaring Someone An Innovator – Part 6
Is it conditional in order to declare [a person] to be an innovator, that the proof be established against him first, or is this not required?
Declaring Someone An Innovator – Part 5
Is it conditional in order to declare [a person] to be an innovator, that the proof be established against him first, or is this not required?
Washing the hands before the face during Wudhoo
What if somebody forgets to wash his face and did not remember this until he finished the Wudhoo?
Declaring Someone An Innovator – Part 4
Is it conditional in order to declare [a person] to be an innovator, that the proof be established against him first, or is this not required?
Declaring Someone An Innovator – Part 3
Is it conditional in order to declare [a person] to be an innovator, that the proof be established against him first, or is this not required?
Declaring Someone An Innovator – Part 2
Is it conditional in order to declare [a person] to be an innovator, that the proof be established against him first, or is this not required?
The Correct Aqeedah
What is obligatory for a muslim to know in the Aqeedah in order for him to actually be a true Muslim?
Declaring Someone An Innovator – Part 1
Is it conditional in order to declare [a person[ to be an innovator, that the proof be established against him first?
Who are the ones fit to do Jarh wa Ta’deel? – Part 2
There are some people that don’t have anything better to do, except to make ‘Tajreeh’ of certain scholars, and to make ‘Ta’deel’ of other scholars…
Who are the ones fit to do Jarh wa Ta’deel? – Part 1
There are some people that don’t have anything better to do, except to make ‘Tajreeh’ of certain scholars, and to make ‘Ta’deel’ of other scholars…?
The doors of success
Six matters cause the doors of success to be closed…