“Whoever sends a single ṣalāh upon me, Allāh will send salutations and blessings upon him ten times…”
Category: Messengers
Jesus in Islam and Christianity
A look at what the Muslims believe about Jesus and Mary, and a comparison with Christianity
Lessons from the life of Prophet Moosa (alayhi assalaam)
A sermon contemplating the story and Da’wah of Prophet Moosa (alayhi as-salaam), his struggles with Pharaoh and his challenge against the magicians.
Lessons from the life of Prophet Hood (alayhi assalaam)
Relevant Khutbah to the society, contemplating the story and Da’wah of Prophet Hood (alayhi as-salaam) to a people who lived lives of luxury.
Lessons from the life of Prophet Ibraheem (alayhi as-salaam)
Powerful Khutbah contemplating the story and Da’wah of Prophet Ibraheem (alayhi as-salaam), and the true essence of Tawheed.
Lessons from the life of Prophet Shu’aib (alayhi assalaam)
Contemplations, lessons and benefits from the story and Da’wah of Prophet Shu’aib (alayhi as-salaam)
Lessons from the life of Prophet Yunus (alayhi assalaam)
What can we learn from the story of Prophet Yunus (alayhi as-salaam)? What was his Du’aa that the Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) encouraged us to learn?
Contemplate the stories of the Prophets & Messengers
A sermon emphasising the importance of the stories of the Prophets and Messengers, the trials they went through and what we can learn from their stories.
Prophet Jesus (Eesa) In Islaam
Friday sermon explaining the Muslim belief regarding Prophet Jesus (Eesa) – peace be upon him – and the Muslim view on Christmas.
Imaan in the Messengers
Continuation of a series of sermons regarding the Pillars of Imaan. In this sermon, Imaan in the Prophets and Messengers is explained, and some misconceptions clarified.
O ‘Aashiq e Rasool… do you have no shame?
‘Aashiq e Rasool; a name we hear people often applying to themselves, when expressing their love for the Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam)