So the Qur’an, all of it, is regarding Tawheed, its rights and rewards, as well as regarding the state of Shirk, its people and their recompense.
Category: Iman & Tawhid
The Greatest Scholars of this Ummah Were Never Ash’aree
All of these virtuous scholars and great Imaams, there was never a single Ash’aree among them. Why not? How?
Until when shall we continue to study Tawheed?
O our Shaykh, we’re always studying ‘aqeedah and tawheed, tawheed and ‘aqeedah [so] until when [are we going to carry on]? We want to study fiqh.
‘O My Uncle, say Laa ilaaha illa Allaah’ – 2
“When death approached Abu Taalib, the Messenger of Allaah (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) came to him and found Abu Jahl and Abdullah bin Abi Umayyah in his company….”
‘O My Uncle, say Laa ilaaha illa Allaah’ – 1
“When death approached Abu Taalib, the Messenger of Allaah (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) came to him and found Abu Jahl and Abdullah bin Abi Umayyah in his company…”
The Best Books on Tawheed
What is the best book for studying Tawheed and the Islaamic ‘Aqeedah and how can a person obtain it?