Despite its small size, the tongue is one of the greatest blessings of Allah and its effects can be powerful.
Category: Sermons
Paradise is sorrounded by difficulties and sacrifices
A sermon regarding the Hadeeth: “Paradise is surrounded by difficulties and sacrifices; the Fire is surrounded by pleasures and desires”
Earthquakes – contemplations and lessons
A sermon reminding the Muslim of some of the reasons as to why earthquakes occur and what lessons we can learn from them.
Alcohol & drugs: the scourge of society
Severe warnings against intoxicants, the rise in muslim inmates and the role of the mosques.
A Muslim is not a criminal
A sermon in response to the rise of knife crimes and gangs in the UK
Allah is Pure and only accepts what is pure
A sermon regarding the name of Allah At-Tayyib; and the importance of earning and consuming Halaal.
Muslim Homes: Blessings and responsibilities
In this Khutbah, you will learn: The blessing of Allah in providing houses for us How we should live to develop ourselves as a family unit Etiquettes of living in the house Common mistakes which are occurring in our houses What is the greeting when entering an empty house of room Reasons for the rise […]
Say: I believe in Allah, and be Upright
In this Khutbah, you will learn: Appreciating the blessing of Islam and guidance The unique Aayah which contains 10 different independent admonishments The religion is based on the rectification of the heart and the rectification of the limbs. The admonishment of the Prophet: Say I believe in Allah, and be upright What is Istiqaamah? The […]
Fear Allah and keep the ties of kinship
You will learn in the Khutbah: The command of Allah to have Taqwa Many Aayaat and Ahaadeeth regarding keeping the ties of kinship Who are the ‘kinship’ and ‘relatives’ to whom a person must stay in contact with How to interact with a relative who cuts off from you An advice to husbands and […]
Between a believer and a hypocrite
“A believer combines between doing good and fearing Allah, whereas a hypocrite combines between doing evil and feeling safe from Allah…”
Islam Changed the Course of History in Relation to Women
Historical examples showing how Islam freed and honoured women, clarifying their rights, resposibilities, status and rolesl and then a comparison of the status of women in modern societies.
You will be asked about your youth
A sermon encouraging the youth to utilise their young years in pleasing Allah
Do not be a spineless follower
In the face of corruption, an erosion of decency and a spread of immorality, a Muslim should remain firm and upright, and not be a spineless follower of others – if they believe he believes, and if they disbelieve he disbelieves.
Islam is a religion of ‘Ibadah, not anniversaries, festivals and celebrations
A rejection of the Mawlid based on a clarification of the basis of Islam, and a comparison to Christianity and Shia doctrines
Winter – Contemplations and Rulings
A sermon which calls us to reflect with the changing of seasons and Fiqh rulings pertaining to winter