An explanation of the treatise ‘Al-Usool Ath-Thalaatha’ which can be used as a teaching resource in lessons, institutes and Masaajid in studying Aqeedah.
Category: Aqeedah
I am pleased with Islam as my religion
A sermon based on the statement “I am pleased with Islam as my Religion…”
I am pleased with Allah as my Lord
A sermon based on the statement “I am pleased with Allah as my Lord…”
Jesus in Islam and Christianity
A look at what the Muslims believe about Jesus and Mary, and a comparison with Christianity
Shirk – the unforgivable sin
A khutbah emphasising the virtue and blessing of Tawheed, and the severity of Shirk
Contemplations from one man’s journey back from Atheism
Lessons and contemplations from: “the journey of the one who returned from Atheism to the Fitrah”
A concise explanation of four basic texts of Aqeedah [35 Lessons]
Audio series in which a brief synopsis, breakdown and benefits of four basic texts on Tawheed are studied.
Atheism: Its reality and dangers
An important sermon highlighting the dangers of atheism and that the Masaajid must not fail its people
A study of the Shahaadatayn
A lesson explaining the two testimonies of faith, their meanings, conditions and pillars. Downloadable worksheet included.
Important lessons for every Muslim [30 Lessons]
A series of lessons in explaining “Ad-Duroos Al-Muhimma Li ‘Aamatal Ummah” (Important lessons for the general Ummah) by Shaykh Ibn Baaz
Proofs Islam is the religion of truth
“They want to extinguish the light of Allaah with their mouths, but Allaah will complete His light even if the disbelievers hate it…”
Explanation of Aqeedah Ar-Raaziyayn [15 Lessons]
A series of lessons explaining the treatise known as Aqeedah Ar-Raaziyayn, consisting of the Aqeedah which the Salaf agreed upon.
Invest in the Aakhirah with these seven actions
Anas Ibn Maalik narrates that the Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “Seven actions for which the reward of a deceased person will continue whilst he is in his grave…”
Save them before they burn…
A heartfelt call to the rulers, scholars, parents and guardians to awaken to the dangers that atheism and Kufr pose to our youth and children
Khutbah: Four Important Principles regarding Shirk
A Khutbah mentioning four important principles by which a person will realise the resemblance between Shirk today and the Shirk of the Quraysh. Taken from Al-Qawaa’id Al-Arba’