How does a Muslim view the Covid-19 outbreak? How should he live and interact during such a time? What guidance does Islam give?
Category: Sermons
I am pleased with Muhammad as my prophet
A sermon based on the statement “I am pleased with Muhammad (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) as my Prophet…”
I am pleased with Islam as my religion
A sermon based on the statement “I am pleased with Islam as my Religion…”
I am pleased with Allah as my Lord
A sermon based on the statement “I am pleased with Allah as my Lord…”
The Muslim woman in a society of ‘clothed naked women’
Women, clothed yet naked, enticed and enticing, they will not enter Paradise nor smell its fragrance
Jesus in Islam and Christianity
A look at what the Muslims believe about Jesus and Mary, and a comparison with Christianity
Shirk – the unforgivable sin
A khutbah emphasising the virtue and blessing of Tawheed, and the severity of Shirk
Contemplations and rulings pertaining to winter
Important Fiqh rulings for men and women during winter days
Love the Prophet through his Sunnah, not by innovations
The love of the Prophet is not attained through innovations, rather it is attained through following his Sunnah and avoiding Bid’ah….
The tongue – blessings, responsibilities and dangers
Despite its small size, the tongue is one of the greatest blessings of Allah and its effects can be powerful.
Paradise is sorrounded by difficulties and sacrifices
A sermon regarding the Hadeeth: “Paradise is surrounded by difficulties and sacrifices; the Fire is surrounded by pleasures and desires”
Earthquakes – contemplations and lessons
A sermon reminding the Muslim of some of the reasons as to why earthquakes occur and what lessons we can learn from them.
Contemplating the end of the Islamic year
Contemplating how quickly days, weeks and years pass by and the importance of investing from this life in the Hereafter
Alcohol & drugs: the scourge of society
Severe warnings against intoxicants, the rise in muslim inmates and the role of the mosques.
A Muslim is not a criminal
A sermon in response to the rise of knife crimes and gangs in the UK