A khutbah regarding the seven groups of people who will be shaded by the shade of Allaah on the Day of Resurrection, and how this Hadeeth applies to us.
Have Taqwa of Allaah
Friday Khutbah encouraging us all to have Taqwa, to interact with people with good manners and seeking honour through Islaam.
Prophet Jesus (Eesa) In Islaam
Friday sermon explaining the Muslim belief regarding Prophet Jesus (Eesa) – peace be upon him – and the Muslim view on Christmas.
Imaan in the Decree of Allaah
Last Khutbah in the Imaan series covering Imaan in Qadr (the Decree) of Allaah.
Imaan in the Angels
The second khutbah in the Pillars of Imaan series. This sermon covers Imaan in the angels.
Imaan in the Messengers
Continuation of a series of sermons regarding the Pillars of Imaan. In this sermon, Imaan in the Prophets and Messengers is explained, and some misconceptions clarified.
Imaan in the Books of Allaah
Friday sermons regarding the third pillar of Imaan: The Books of Allaah
Imaan in Allaah
A series of Friday sermons regarding the six pillars of Imaan. This Khutbah covers the first pillar: Imaan in Allaah.
Four Principles that the Religion is based upon [5 Lessons]
These four principles are of utmost importance, every Muslim must abide by them for the safety of their religion.
Imaan in the Final Day
A series of Friday sermons regarding the six pillars of Imaan. This Khutbah covers the fifth pillar: Imaan in the Final Day.
Contemplations Regarding the Hajj 2015 Tragedy [sermon]
Friday sermon contemplating the recent tragedies in hajj 2015 where almost 1000 people died
The Qur’an is from Allah and it is authentic
Friday Khutbah regarding the recent manuscript which has been allegedly found by the University of Birmingham, and then claimed it is precedes the Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam)
Shaytaan & His Plots
Who is Iblees? what is he created from? does he have children? what are his plots? These are some of the questions answered in this khutbah.
The coming of Mehdi & the Descent of ‘Eesa (alayhi as-salaam)
Following on from the sermon regarding Dajjaal, this Khutbah is regarding the descent of Eesa (alayhi as-salaam) and the coming of the awaited Mehdi.
The coming of Dajjaal
One of the greatest signs of the Hour: Dajjaal. His physical description, actions, his calamities and ways to protect yourself from his Fitnah.